Kentalis International Foundation has been working in Ethiopia for several years. One of our projects involved creating a sign language observation list for primary schools in Ethiopia. With a solid commitment to creating a lasting impact, we are pleased to have received the request from Bahir Dar University to expand its curriculum to include specializations in special needs and inclusive education.
Project: teacher training literacy in deaf education
Our partnership with Bahir Dar University aims to enhance the skills of educators in Ethiopia to aid in the literacy development of children who experience hearing loss or are deaf. To achieve this, we implemented a blended learning program called Reading Method for Early Literacy which combines e-learning with on-location training. Our project follows a train-the-trainer approach, where we initially train a group of 10 lecturers who will then train 25 teachers, with support from Kentalis experts. We have aimed to expand the project's impact by involving professionals from other universities, besides Bahir Dar University, from the Amhara region.

Project facts:
- Timing: June 2023 – March 2024
- Location: Netherlands (online) and Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
- Funded by: Stichting Vrienden van Effatha
- Partner: Bahir Dar University
Photo credit: image from Bahir Dar University.