In developing countries, it can be difficult for deaf and hard-of-hearing children to succeed in secondary school. This is often due to teachers not having the necessary skills to teach deaf students, inaccessible learning materials, or classroom layouts that hinder their learning process. However, if educators have the proper tools to create an inclusive educational environment, they can prevent school dropouts and help these students thrive.
Understanding abstract concepts
When it comes to learning, deaf children face different challenges than those who can hear. Unlike hearing children who can rely on their literacy skills and incidental learning experiences, deaf children often have a limited vocabulary and have been isolated in terms of language and communication. To help them understand abstract topics, it's important to use visualization and other teaching methods. Additionally, any barriers, including nonoptimal classrooms and social misconceptions about deafness, should be eliminated. Kentalis International Foundation offers expertise in creating an inclusive secondary school environment for deaf and hard-of-hearing students aged 12-18.

We focus on:
- Providing expertise to educators, through teacher training colleges and universities, on how to visually teach abstract concepts to deaf learners.
- Improving knowledge about the socio-emotional development of a deaf child and tracking progress with educational diagnostics.
- Stimulating engagement with Deaf role models as well as highlighting the role of teachers as bridge-builders for deaf learners.