Successful Completion of Training Project on Literacy for Deaf Children in Ethiopia

Kentalis International Foundation, in collaboration with Bahir Dar University (BDU), successfully completed a transformative project aimed at enhancing the capacity of educators in Ethiopia. The initiative, which started in June 2023, focused on supporting the literacy development of children with hearing loss, and concluded in March with an on-location training.
Over the course of the project, we conducted training on teaching literacy to deaf children using our Reading Method Early Literacy (RMEL). The goal was to effectively enhance the skills of educators in Ethiopia to support the literacy development of deaf children. This was done by blended learning: a combination of online courses in our e-learning and on-location practical skills training.
Originally planned to take place in the Amhara region, the project encountered delays and logistical challenges because of ongoing armed conflict and lack of internet access in the region. However, through innovative solutions and the dedication and flexibility of our local partners, the project was able to continue, and the on-location training was relocated to Addis Ababa.
During the on-location training, 9 university lecturers from 4 different universities were intensively trained to become 'reading coaches' over the course of a week, learning practical skills on how to teach literacy to deaf and hard-of-hearing children. After this week, the group was expanded to include 15 teachers of deaf or hard-of-hearing students. The reading coaches now led the training, with guidance from Kentalis International Foundation, and practiced and collaborated with the teachers.

At the end of the visit, the teachers had all the skills necessary to implement the method in their classrooms. The reading coaches can assist them in this process and also provide training to new groups, ensuring the sustainable exchange of knowledge.
We are happy with the success of the training program! Participants in Addis Ababa have given positive feedback, emphasizing the program's impact on their professional growth and the importance of inclusive learning environments.
“I am very much happy with the modality and overall organization of this training. I am eager to try out these methods in my classroom.” – A participating teacher of deaf and hard-of-hearing students
As one lecturer noted, the training marked a "key turning point" in their career, while another acknowledged the newfound insights that will shape their approach to inclusive education. An indication of the training’s effectiveness is the enthusiasm of a participating teacher, who is keen to share the new methods with colleagues, thereby amplifying the benefits across the educational community.
As the project concludes, we extend our gratitude for the commitment of our local partners.
For inquiries about our work in Ethiopia or other countries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Are you an organization interested in supporting education for deaf learners? Find more information about partnering with us.