Inclusive workplace for the deaf coworker: individual coaching Staatsolie Suriname

Kentalis International Foundation works towards an inclusive society. Our projects mostly relate to high-quality deaf education and care. However, for persons who are deaf or hard-of-hearing to fully participate in society it is equally as important to create an inclusive workplace. In collaboration with the state company Staatsolie Suriname, Kentalis designed a custom-tailored trajectory for one of their deaf employees.
Improving communication, math and corporate jargon
In 2021 Staatsolie Suriname approached Kentalis with a request for coaching of a deaf IT assistant at the company. To make sure that he reaches his full potential in the workplace, Staatsolie Suriname, as well as the employee, expressed their wish to improve his written communication skills, mathematical competencies, and understanding of business jargon.
Coaching results
The 6-month online coaching trajectory took off in October 2021 with, from the side of Kentalis, a coaching duo of a hearing and a deaf expert. The Kentalis coaches can conclude that significant progress has been made. The employee has expanded his vocabulary with need-to-know terminology. His sign language has improved and has become more work-oriented.
Additionally, he has also acquired more insight into the professional role of an employee, an employer, and working processes such as an assessment cycle and security policies.
Sign language in the workplace
In addition to coaching, Staatsolie Suriname has also stimulated team members to learn sign language. This has been done so in the last few years, which has allowed the team to communicate better, and in a more inclusive way, with each other at the office.