Completion Itinerant Service Provision training in Nepal

In December 2021 Kentalis International Foundation handed out certificates to two senior and two junior participants of the National Association of the Hard-of-Hearing and Deafened Nepal (Shruti). The participants were part of a tailor-made itinerant service provision training.
Expertise center for hard-of-hearing children
Since 2019 Kentalis International Foundation has been implementing a training project in Nepal. A multidisciplinary expert team from Kentalis worked with Shruti to develop an expertise center for hard-of-hearing children. Hard-of-hearing children in Nepal are often placed in mainstream schools which creates many difficulties for these students. Through training by Kentalis experts, the Shruti staff aims to enhance the student’s learning environment by giving information and coaching teachers, parents, and the child.
Online training by Kentalis
With the hand-out of certificates, the training component of this project is finalized. Participants have been trained in various subjects such as understanding hearing loss and communication, language, and speech development of children who are hard-of-hearing. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, most training had to be carried out through an online format with one-on-one coaching. The Kentalis trainers are very positive about the achieved learning curve of the Shruti trainees.
Lobby and recognition
While Kentalis was involved in training Shruti staff, Shruti management worked hard to lobby for the recognition of hard-of-hearing student’s needs in pre-school and school age. Due to the training by Kentalis, Shruti improved its knowledge on the education of the hard-of-hearing and is recognized as a center of expertise for hard-of-hearing. Shruti will widen its services to parents and pre-school children and plans to set up an after-school care and remedial teaching center where the knowledge of itinerant service provision is used.